Why Talk to Your Neighbors About Prepping?

Why Talk to Your Neighbors About Prepping?


Photo: villebois.com

Most of us shake our heads when something as simple as a snow storm or wind storm knocks out power for even just a day and there are people who don’t know how to handle it. When it becomes several days they often need help. No one wants to turn away neighbors, friends or even family and on the short term we usually don’t.. But there may come a day when it doesn’t appear that it is going to be a short term problem and we may not be able to assist without endangering our own families.

Living Life in Rural Iowa gives their take on why these short term issues make good teachable moments and provides reasons why we should choose to use them as such in the link below

4 Reasons Why It Is Time To Talk To Your Friends and Neighbors About Prepping!

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 Why Talk to Your Neighbors About Prepping?

Photo: goodhousekeepingcom

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