Where and Why: Recommended U.S.A. Retreat Locations

Where and Why: Recommended U.S.A. Retreat Locations

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Everyone wants to be in the right place at the right time. Or perhaps in this case it would be better said as the right place at the wrong time! There is no right time for a major disaster. But you can often even if it is only by the luck of the draw be in the right place when it happens and find yourself alive and well after a SHTF event. There are as many ideas as to where that right retreat location is as there are people with opinions on it.

I don’t think anyone should tear apart their lives to be in a particular location for SHTF reasons. I feel that if your job, home, family, friends and things you love are in your current location. Then that is exactly where you should be. You need those things to make survival work. I can’t imagine with my home, work and family all in Washington state that I would choose a bug out retreat location in Rhode Island! But if you are making a life choice to leave your current location and have the ability to choose anywhere (well within the USA anyway) then there are some facts regarding location in a disaster that you might want to consider.

See what those recommendations are from The Survival Blog linked below

Recommended Retreat Areas


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 Where and Why: Recommended U.S.A. Retreat Locations

Graphic: proteckmachinery