Wealthy American Flees to His Luxury Bunker During Pandemic… and Can’t Get In!

Wealthy American Flees to His Luxury Bunker During Pandemic …

and Can’t Get In!

Wealthy American Flees to His Luxury Bunker... and Can't Get In!

Video capture: youtube

I know my thoughts at this moment are unkind. I always try to respect both sides of any story told us and not to judge those who have a bit less knowledge, education or a different view no matter how strange I personally find them. But in this case, I am sorry I am laughing out loud.

The covid pandemic sent some wealthier members of society heading out to sea on yachts, flying private jets into small resort areas, and even heading out to luxury bunkers.  One wealthy American headed for his hide away, a luxury bunker in quiet lush New Zealand. But as you will see in the featured link below, he forgot just a couple of things!

Now when it comes to being prepared, there are no questions too big nor too small, and no question is “stupid”. But if you’re going to spend millions on a bunker, there are questions and answers that should be sought prior to flying off to use it. The least of which was how to get in!

A tech executive fleeing to his New Zealand doomsday bunker reportedly forgot how to unlock it


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