Violating a Quarantine Order Consequences

Violating a Quarantine Order Consequences

Violating a Quarantine Order Consequences

Graphic: siasat

Merriam-Webster’s non-maritime  definition of quarantine is :

: a restraint upon the activities or communication of persons or the transport of goods designed to prevent the spread of disease or pests
: a place in which those under quarantine are kept
: a state of enforced isolation

Quarantine is not the same thing as the stay at home order that the majority of Americans are living with during this pandemic. The stay at home order is meant to protect those who aren’t yet infected allowing the medical community to catch up with the spread of the virus. This helps to insure that the appropriate equipment and personnel will be available as new cases enter the system allowing more people to receive appropriate care and survive. People in this scenario are allowed to leave the home to obtain necessities and are told to practice social distancing while out.

Quarantining someone is done once they or someone they have had contact with have been infected. more often than not this is not a voluntary scenario. The endangered person is kept in isolation away from all persons they could infect including often their own families. Most often this isn’t done at home by the individual once they experience symptoms. However, in our current situation, there aren’t enough facilities to do so and these folks are ordered to stay in their homes without the option of leaving for anything other than medical care. Supplies must be brought to them. The order of quarantine is also being enforced with individuals who cross state lines, or are fleeing hot spots and entering another community

Currently in a number of countries across the globe there are a large number of persons living in quarantine. There are consequences for breaking this quarantine and they can be severe. Here are some of the stories.


Violating a COVID-19 quarantine order could get you 6 months in jail

Police arrest Washington man for violating State’s mandatory 14-day quarantine order

The family accused of violating quarantine while their daughter was tested for coronavirus says they were never told to isolate themselves


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