Using Comfrey as a Healing Aid

Using Comfrey as a Healing Aid

Using Comfrey as a Healing Aid

Photo: LongTimeMother

Comfrey has been used for centuries to assist in healing everything from wounds to broken bones. It is supposed to speed up that lengthy process. Although I personally have never tried it there are those that swear by its use particularly in broken bones.

I would never advise you to use any home or natural remedy without first getting your physicians approval. Never attempt to set or heal a broken bone or an open wound on your own if appropriate medical care is available. However, there may come a time when you or someone else is injured and medical care isn’t available! Knowing the secrets of herbal, plant and root remedies will literally be a life saver. So, I do recommend learning now for use later!

See the benefits and how to use comfrey to assist in healing at the link below

How to use Comfrey to Heal Broken Bones


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