Turn Salt Water to Drinking Water

Turn Salt Water to Drinking Water

 Turn Salt Water to Drinking Water

Photo graphic: bioprepper

If you live near a body of salt water this could be an important process for you to learn!

Drinkable water is one of the first necessities that we humans must find in a crisis scenario. The human body must have water within three days to survive, sooner to work at its optimum level. In a critical situation you definitely want to be functioning at your best. You must think clearly and will be putting your body through a stressful and what will likely be a more physical routine than your normal daily activity. Obtaining water becomes even more urgent under those circumstances.

Obviously salt water isn’t ideal but if you can convert that water to drinkable water, you will have both a source of drinkable water and a source of protein from the sea life. See how to accomplish this safely at the featured link

How To Turn Salt Water Into Drinking Water


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