Trapping Protein Rich Birds in a Survival Situation

Trapping Protein Rich Birds in a Survival Situation

Photo: survival life

Eating is something we all have to do! Our bodies need a good amount of protein to continue to function at an optimum level. Most of us with gardens don’t grow enough protein rich veggies to achieve the level needed. So we take or eat supplements, or eat meat. In a survival situation this means trapping or hunting.
Hunting is the usual way to obtain meat. However, this takes time away from other necessary duties, can be loud enough to draw attention to you or your group, and requires both a weapon and a skill set which not everyone has or will have during a chaotic survival scenario.
Trapping may be a solution to those issues and trapping birds a particularly good protein solution for a moving group. Learn how at the featured link below from Survival life.
How to Make Birds YOUR Prey in a Survival Situation


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