Tips to Burglar Proof Your Home

Tips to Burglar Proof Your Home

Tips to Burglar Proof Your Home


When I see the statistics on burglaries in the USA I am horrified. It makes me wonder if we are actually safer in the streets! (Figuratively)

A  burglary is committed in the United States about every 15 seconds and 60% of those burglaries involve forcible entry. The more our economy struggles the higher the crime rate rises. I don’t necessarily think this is because more people become dishonest as much as it is that those who are inclined to do such things feel more justified when impoverished and frankly have more time to act on those tendencies while unemployed.

Particularly disturbing is the increase in the crime rate of teenagers who often feel they have nothing to lose as they aren’t facing the same consequences as would an adult. There is also the knowledge that most burglaries aren’t random. These crimes are more often then not committed by someone who has been in the home in the past. Your Burglar is perhaps a contractor or a friend of a friend etc.. You can’t just simply lock your doors and windows then never allow a visitor or sit at the ready in wait all the time. It just isn’t feasible.

Using some or all of the tips included in the featured article may help prevent you from becoming a victim or at least give you a bit more peace of mind.

17 Ways To Make Your Home Impenetrable 

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