Tips For Surviving a House Fire

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Tips For Surviving a House Fire

 Tips For Surviving a House Fire


House fire is one of those disasters that we all logically know can happen to any of us, but emotionally assume that it won’t happen to us.. until it does.

Surviving it seems easy enough, smell smoke, see fire, get out, call for help, firemen come, fire out, call insurance and make arrangements to stay elsewhere. Not easy but not horrific. Just as wrong. Most house fires begin at night while everyone is sleeping and the majority of those that die in them do so without ever waking up. This is why smoke detectors are so very very important.

The featured article assumes that you do wake up or are awake and personally I can’t imagine a more terrifying scenario. I have a friend who did manage to get out and the story he tells curls my hair. Lost in his own home and choking for breath…. not the way I or anyone else wants to leave this world. Doom and Bloom provides tips on getting out alive. See them below

How To Survive Home Fires


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