The Ultimate Guide To Dehydrating

The Ultimate Guide To Dehydrating


Photo from the Charmed Kitchen


Preppers, homesteaders, busy moms, and frugal families all dehydrate foods. For long term storage, preserving the year’s harvest, ease of use and to be able to take advantage of sales at the market or a generous friend’s over abundant garden gifts. Dehydrating is an awesome way to store food for long or short term in a small amount of space while preserving all the natural nutrients.

So let’s get started!

Step one is deciding how you want to dehydrate. Some of the methods include oven drying, sun drying, and dehydrators are the most common. The links below will give you some instruction and options for each.

Then you need to decide what you want to dehydrate and learn how. The links below will give you some instruction on each category.

Once you have your favorites dried and ready to store you need to know proper storage methods to insure your hard work and good food remains safe and tasty. For some basic information on that check out this link How to Store Home-dried Foods

Finally comes the very best part of the entire process… eating your home dehydrated treasures! Most of what you have dehydrated you can eat just as they are now without reconstituting at all. Dried fruits and veggies make great nutritious snacks and kids love them. Most dehydrated meats are spiced and seasoned prior to drying and are preferred as jerky with no rehydration at all. Some of the uses for your dehydrated foods do require some or total rehydration see basic instructions at  Re-Hydrating Food.

Some foods particularly the dairy and egg items do need to be rehydrated according the specifics of the recipe used. So I advise you label those with rehydration instructions when you store it.

Save money, save food, save space…. dehydrate it’s easy!


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