Affordable Survival Superfoods To Stockpile

Affordable Survival Superfoods To Stockpile

Affordable Survival Superfoods To Stockpile

Photo: my family survival plan

What affordable superfoods should you be storing? Some of the items on the list are a bit surprising.

I strongly believe in storing healthy and nutritious foods. I think it’s more important than ever during a time of crisis where you would be burning more calories and under more stress lowering your immunity. So healthy and filling are big issues.  I can the usual, common foods like meats, fruits, and vegetables to store and rotate. But there is so many more foods that we overlook. Storing these superfoods could give you the edge you need to keep your body functioning at full force when SHTF

The Most Affordable Survival Superfoods To Stockpile

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Photo from my family survival plan