Testing Home Canning For Seal & Spoilage

Testing Home Canning For Seal & Spoilage

Testing Home Canning For Seal & Spoilage

Graphic from Pick your own

Very important information especially for new canners! We work very hard to make sure our home grown produce are tasty and safe. The last thing we want is to make anyone sick with our efforts!

Please always test any preserved food whether store bought or home canned. Be particularly cautious of store bought cans that are damaged. Most of those are actually absolutely fine and safe, but damage to the can itself can loosen the seal. With home canning a broken jar is much easier to spot and the danger of glass in the product is obvious but with the metal can it can be a bit harder to tell!  Botulism can be deadly and isn’t a risk worth taking.

Testing Home Canned Jars For Proper Sealing and Spoilage


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