Survival Tools You Should Own We assume that you already have the basic home tools i.e., a hammer, nails, a wrench or two etc… So, the tools discussed in the featured article are more for the bug out prepper and for use in bush type locations. These particular 7 tools have been chosen by marines …
Tag: Survival
9 Priority Post SHTF Steps
9 Priority Post SHTF Steps The worst has happened. Whatever disaster you have prepped for or worried about has come to be. Your first steps of course involve surviving whatever disaster has befallen you. What about your long-term survival what are the first priority responses and steps to take once the immediate threat has passed? …
Store Fresh Vegetables For Months
Store Fresh Vegetables For Months Just about anyone can dig a hole. place a cover on it and call it a root cellar! But in order for it to work as a root cellar and keep our fresh vegetables stored safely for months it requires a little more than that. Humidity, temperature. air circulation, and …
Edible Landscaping
Edible Landscaping We can’t all be homesteaders and some of us can’t even be true outdoor gardeners either. There are space limitations, time management limitations, and even HOA limitations. But the majority of us even those that rent do have the ability to contribute to the landscaping of the property in pots or in the …
Do’s & Don’ts Ammo Storage
Do’s & Don’ts Ammo Storage The value of storing ammunition goes without saying for a long term SHTF event and for even a short-term event for the purpose of self-defense if it becomes necessary. Nothing bugs me more than having spent my hard-earned money on something to have for a specific purpose only to find …
Crossing a River Safely
Crossing a River Safely Whether you are a hunter, hiker, fisherman/woman, camper, or in a bug out situation, eventually you will come across a river. Most of us plan to seek out a water source in any emergency scenario. Rivers may appear to be calm and of little or no depth of consequence and still be …
Violet Jelly
Violet Jelly Make your garden flowers into edible goodies with violet jelly! Make 4 half pints… 2 cups Wild Violet Petals Or Purchased Edible Violets 2-¼ cups Boiling Water ¼ cups Lemon Juice ¼ teaspoons Butter 1-¾ ounce, weight Box Of Pectin 4 cups sugar Remove the stems and wash the petals thoroughly. Place the …
26 Secret Fishing Tips From Rednecks
26 Secret Fishing Tips From Rednecks If you are already a fisherman you could learn a thing or two about a less technical way to fish from our redneck friends… about less expensive rods, reels, and accessories. If you are just starting out using a more simple less costly start up is definitely the way …
2 DIY Trip-line Alarms
2 DIY Trip-line Alarms (2 links) Trip-lines have been used forever as a security method. I would assume that it was the basis for the motion detecting lazar alarms of the high-end alarm systems today. Many of us can’t afford these high-tech systems and in a SHTF event or if you are off grid now, …
Medicinal Herb Garden
Medicinal Herb Garden We all know we should have a medicinal herb garden; it only makes sense for preppers and homesteaders. Along with those herbs, plants, and roots we know are helpful to the conditions we currently have within our own families what else is recommended we grow? The featured article speaks to the favorites of the …