What to do if You Discover Human Remains Not a nice thought. But it could happen, you could be the one who discovers human remains. The probability is low thank goodness, but the more time you spend in the outdoors the higher the possibility. It is a sad fact that there are those souls who have …
Tag: Survival
5 Recipes Every Survival Chef Should Know
5 Recipes Every Survival Chef Should Know Everyone hopes to have enough food supplies to make it through any crisis that might befall them and that their supply line will be active again before it’s needed. But depending on that is risky and assumes that the crisis will be short term. A wise stockpile includes …
DIY Paracord Snow Shoes
DIY Paracord Snow Shoes If you now or ever have lived in an area with extreme hash winters you know that your body is simply not equipped by nature to survive those temperatures. Particularly your extremities. Your feet and hands are very sensitive to the cold. Mittens and boots are imperative and when the snow …
Little Badger Survival Rifle
Little Badger Survival Rifle Even in locations where firearms are legal, many civilians choose to live life without a firearm. However, as our world changes many of those same people are choosing to have a simple survival rifle or weapon in their possessions. Just in case. We are beginning to understand that our norm can …
12 Unconventional & Frugal Uses for Safety Pins
12 Unconventional & Frugal Uses for Safety Pins No household junk drawer or lady’s vanity drawer is complete without safety pins. Honesty I don’t even know where the safety pins in my home came from! They just always seem to be there when I need one. I am sure they were purchased at one time …
3 Methods of Getting Water From a Well if the Grid is Down
3 Methods of Getting Water From a Well if the Grid is Down I love the look of an old fashion well with the big crank with a bucket attached for dipping into the water. Would I drink from one? Not without treating the water I wouldn’t! I can only imagine the stuff growing in …
Deciding it’s Time to Bug Out
Deciding it’s Time to Bug Out We do discuss bugging out often on preparedness sites. Even though the majority of us actually hope and have a plan A to bug in. We are all aware that there maybe a scenario which requires us to bug out. The biggest problem faced by most of us (other …
3 Concepts to Consider in a Disaster Scenario
3 Concepts to Consider in a Disaster Scenario Whenever we talk about mental preparedness people baulk and insist they won’t be dissuaded from the business of surviving. There are emotional and mental toughness issues that will indeed effect your ability to survive even if those issues are not your own. We agree that when it …
Vehicular Terror: Survival Tips
Vehicular Terror: Survival Tips More often around the world we are seeing an old type of terror brought back to the streets of western nations. In past history if a planned or intentional attack took place using a vehicle, it was aimed at a specific person. The charges most often brought against the perpetrator are vehicular assault or …
Develop a Realistic Prepping Plan
Some posts may contain affiliate links Develop a Realistic Prepping Plan I know some of you have heard me say over and over a few key preparedness concepts. 1st no one is an expert on everything and that if anyone tells you they are…. back away! 2nd what works for someone else may not be …