Tag: Survival

Safety Guidelines for Canning

Safety Guidelines for Canning Canning food supplies is one of the things that are done by frugal preppers, homesteaders, and rural homemakers across the world. Doing so safely is at the top of everyone who does so as well as important to those that will dine on these home canned delights. I would always recommend …

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Triangulating Your Position

Triangulating Your Position You know it’s foolish to depend completely on technology for directions and or on gps. We see and hear stories all the time of what can happen to those that blindly follow that technology and it fails them. Not to say that gps is not an awesome tool. I would literally be …

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Becoming a Good Survival Group Leader

Becoming a Good Survival Group Leader

Becoming a Good Survival Group Leader Every group needs a leader. If not even the simplest of tasks can become chaotic. In a survival scenario a good leader can make the difference between life and death literally. There may also be conflict between group members as to who should be the leader and what makes …

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Using an AED and Giving CPR

Using an AED and Giving CPR

Using an AED and Giving CPR This is subject matter literally near and dear to my heart. I am a heart attack survivor. My odds of surviving my particular situation more than 5 days were only 5% and after that surviving 2 years only 15%. I am pushing my third year of survival. I tell …

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Cheap Guns vs. Budget Guns

Cheap Guns vs. Budget Guns

Cheap Guns vs. Budget Guns Many folks are buying guns for the first time. We live in a more violent time than in years past. Home invasions are up, along with other crimes against people. People are preparing more than ever as well. In some countries like the United States this includes the purchase of …

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Uses for your socks in an emergency

Uses for your socks in an emergency

Uses for your socks in an emergency Some of the simplest things that we take for granted can become just what we need in an emergency. The more common thought process goes to belts, paracord bracelets and even our shirts. But have you ever considered what your socks could do for you in a crisis? …

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2 New Inventions Detect Date Rape Drugs

2 New Inventions Detect Date Rape Drugs

2 New Inventions Detect Date Rape Drugs Neither of these products are on the market yet. Both are undergoing fund raising and research. But that they exist is an important tool toward prevention of the use of date rape drugs. There are some with the opinion that these types of products somehow put the responsibility …

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Are People Fleeing The Big Cities In Preparation?

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Are People Fleeing The Big Cities In Preparation? Photo: medicaldaily   Our featured article today talks about the migration from our cities to our rural communities that appears to be trending now.  Are they fleeing in preparation for an economic collapse, a war, or EMP? There are also more people of means building and maintaining …

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6 Skill Sets Every Prepper Needs

6 Skill Sets Every Prepper Needs

6 Skill Sets Every Prepper Needs There is more to actually surviving than just existing. Although at first that is the primary goal, to continue to exist. From that point on additional skill sets come into play. Without them your survival time is limited.   See what they are from the Prepper Journal at the …

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Best Vegetables to Grow in Pots

Best Vegetables to Grow in Pots

Best Vegetables to Grow in Pots It’s spring in most parts of the western world. This means planting season is on the door step. Many people live in apartments, or on small plots where a garden just isn’t feasible. The featured blog from Balcony Garden Web gives us good examples of vegetables we can literally …

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