School Terror Drills and Children Bugging Out (2 featured links) When I went to public school, it was one of the safest places a parent could have their child! Now it can be down right dangerous in some cases and in other cases traumatizing to your child. When my own children were in school I …
Tag: Survival
Prepping for Vices
Prepping for Vices The usual banter on prepping and survival sites is to either ignore vices (yours or those of other group members) or to advise you and your group members to rid yourself of them now before a crisis event. Whether it’s tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, a drug (legal or otherwise), sweets, or any item that at …
Respect and Plan for Your Limitations
Respect and Plan for Your Limitations Preparedness plans are about how we plan to stay alive if disaster strikes. But do those plans respect or make adjustments for our personal limitations? Your age? Your health? Your group member’s abilities? See what 1776 Patriot USA has to say on the topic at our featured link below …
The Forgotten Majority – Suburban/Urban Preppers
The Forgotten Majority Suburban/Urban Preppers All preparedness sites talk about surviving a major SHTF event with ideas on gardening, livestock, off grid living etc.. But aren’t we forgetting something or more accurately someone? .Suburbanites! It’s a fact that the majority of the population live in suburbs. The urban areas are where the jobs are. Does that mean they are …
How Your local Grocer is Told to Prepare for Disaster
How Your local Grocer is Told to Prepare for Disaster At first, I thought this article was going to be about how your local grocer was being told to handle us the consumers. But it’s not. It’s how they should react to a disaster to best help their employees and then their business from …
DIY Water Filter Distiller
DIY Water Filter Distiller We all worry about clean water after any disaster manmade or natural. Water is the essence of life. No matter which in which country, state, or region you reside in, water is going to be a priority find during a crisis. You may think ahh but there is a lake just down the road, or it …
Gerber Big Rock – A Great Budget Survival Knife
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Gerber Big Rock – A Great Budget Survival Knife by: Tom Sheppard Guest Author Having a great knife on you in the wilderness is critical for survival. However, sometimes we can’t necessarily afford to have an expensive tool at our side. There is also an ongoing debate …
Prepping For Sleep Apnea
Prepping For Sleep Apnea If you don’t know what sleep apnea is you are fortunate enough to not to have it nor know anyone with it. It is a condition that causes the sufferer to stop breathing during their sleep. Often times many times an hour each night. This of course is scary not only …
Swedish Fire – An All-Night Campfire with Only One Log
Swedish Fire – An All-Night Campfire with Only One Log I love a Swedish torch! But as I have admitted before I haven’t ever actually built one myself. I will now! If you are a camper for fun or because of an overnight hike or hunting trip you know how unpleasant it can …