Tag: preps

DIY Solar Furnace

DIY Solar Furnace Heat is necessity in most parts of the world for several months of the year. This DIY furnace project can save you cash today in normal times and could save you literally in times of crisis. This particular furnace would heat an average room only, but if you are handy  and want to …

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MIY Yeast or Extend Your Supply

MIY Yeast or Extend Your Supply (Recipe for extending yeast supply and link to making it from scratch) Yeast is a very basic supply needed to make a number of the foods we love and use daily. Foods that might not be available for purchase if the lines of supply are blocked or the stores cease to …

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DIY Oilskin Tarps From Sheets!

DIY Oilskin Tarps From Sheets! Oilskin tarps tend to be much lighter than their heavier dense polyester counter parts and hold up better than the plastic knock offs. So, if you’re planning on bugging in or out the light weight plus water proofing of these tarps makes it much lighter to store and if necessary, …

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Carbon Monoxide Symptoms and Avoidance

Carbon Monoxide Symptoms and Avoidance Often called winter’s silent killer. Carbon monoxide can occur anytime the space you’re in isn’t properly vented and there are dangerous fumes. Most often in the winter as that is when the majority of home dwellers are trying to keep the heat in and the cold out. But there are …

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Safely Eating Blue Elderberries

Safely Eating Blue Elderberries Growing up we did a bunch of berry picking for my mother. She made jams, jellies, preserves and pies that were so awesome that my brothers still fuss over who gets the leftovers to take home! My sister and I have both learned to make our own, so we giggle a …

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Convert Weed Eater to 12V Generator

Convert Weed Eater to 12V Generator If you have an older no longer useful weed eater this could be a good way to recycle it to a new useful repurpose. Later if the SHTF you have to think of which purpose would be more useful to you… a functioning weed eater or a 12V generator! …

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Trust and Body Language

Trust and Body Language Learning to read body language is a skill in just about every walk of life. It will always assist you in knowing what truth is and what is what someone wants you to believe is truth. Some people are experts at covering their tells when lying but the majority of the population …

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DIY Solar Air Heater

 DIY Solar Air Heater My first thought was what would I use a solar air heater for? Then as my mind clicked about randomly, I began to realize there are a number of excellent uses for a project like this one! Anything that uses warm air can by accomplished with this DIY heater.  You could use …

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The Secret to Preparedness

The Secret to Preparedness Our site and sites like ours give us lots of tips, tricks, advice and methods for preparing for the future no matter what it holds. But they leave us wondering what is the true secret to surviving whatever can be coming our way? The right gear? The right skills? Enough ammo? …

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Getting Out Of Dodge

Getting Out Of Dodge Many folks plan their bug out gear and location to the tiniest detail but forget about the actual getting there part! The photo above pictures the roadways out of Houston just prior to hurricane Rita. A good bug out plan aka getting out of dodge plan includes preparations for the possibilities …

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