Tag: preps

Crossing a River Safely

Crossing a River Safely Whether you are a hunter, hiker, fisherman/woman, camper, or in a bug out situation, eventually you will come across a river. Most of us plan to seek out a water source in any emergency scenario. Rivers may appear to be calm and of little or no depth of consequence and still be …

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2 DIY Trip-line Alarms

2 DIY Trip-line Alarms (2 links) Trip-lines have been used forever as a security method. I would assume that it was the basis for the motion detecting lazar alarms of the high-end alarm systems today. Many of us can’t afford these high-tech systems and in a SHTF event or if you are off grid now, …

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Medicinal Herb Garden

Medicinal Herb Garden We all know we should have a medicinal herb garden; it only makes sense for preppers and homesteaders. Along with those herbs, plants, and roots we know are helpful to the conditions we currently have within our own families what else is recommended we grow? The featured article speaks to the favorites of the …

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Medicinal Plants You Can Grow At Home

Medicinal Plants You Can Grow At Home One of the primary concerns for both homesteaders and preppers alike is self sustainability. The primary resources needed to survive are shelter, water, and food. Too often that isn’t enough! Medical care should be right up there on your list of must haves and frankly it is probably …

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Food Storage Calculator

Food Storage Calculator How much food storage is enough? How long before we can become self-sufficient? How much do we need to make it through until then? How do we calculate this before the event actually happens? What if it takes longer than we anticipated to get back on our feet after a SHTF event? …

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Night Vision Injections

Night Vision Injections What if you didn’t need night vision goggles to see clearly at night? While this is still in the experimental stages that might be possible in the future! The featured article talks about what the researchers deem to be a successful trial run of an injectable substance put directly in the subject’s …

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Bugging In Basic Survival At Home

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Basic Survival At Home Many silent preppers are planning on bugging in. Hunkering down by choice isn’t always as well documented or discussed on most prepping sites as is bugging out and sheltering in place on a temporary basis. There are a ton of reason people are choosing to ride out …

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Grow Potatoes in Hay

Grow Potatoes in Hay One of the biggest issues with my current property is that the soil is bad and extremely rocky. So much so that when we walked the “lawn” we picked up enough rocks large enough in size to create a pond with them! This was before ever turning a shovel in the …

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DIY Solar Panels with Pop-Cans

DIY Solar Panels with Pop-Cans I would have thought that building a solar heater would have been a huge undertaking. But as it turns out, it’s not as hard as you might think! The featured article below shows the step-by-step instructions using recycled soda, pop or even beer cans! Who would have thought that pop-cans could …

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Eating & Cooking Daylilies

 Eating & Cooking Daylilies We are all learning a lot about eating what nature provides and things that we wouldn’t usually consider food items, like dandelions and now daylilies! This is a little more complicated plant than is a dandelion. It has several medicinal purposes and can work like a laxative and a diuretic. Daylilies are also known …

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