Tag: preps

What NOT to Pack in Your Bug Out Bag

What NOT to Pack in Your Bug Out Bag We all try to think ahead and smart when it comes to our bug out bags. But we can get carried away literally by what we think we can carry in a crisis scenario. It becomes a “Oh, I need this, and this, and this, etc..” …

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A Phone App Identifies Plants From Your Picture!

A Phone App Identifies Plants From Your Picture! We get a number of pictures from readers asking what this or that pictured plant is. I am by no means a plant expert, but on occasion one or more of our other readers are able to give a name to the unknown greenery. That still leaves …

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Survival Livestock

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Survival Livestock Whether you believe the biblical story of Noah and his ark or not, you most likely have heard it! Now most of us are not planning nor have the ability to take on or care for most of the animal species that we have in today’s world. …

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SHTF Burn Treatment

SHTF Burn Treatment If we have a long-term grid down situation, fire will become a major part of our daily lives again. With that change we can expect to have more burn accidents then we are accustomed to. Another change we would have to adjust to, is that medical care won’t be as immediately available …

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Prep Details You Should Consider

Prep Details You Should Consider The featured article talks about the details of your preps. In accordance with Murphy’s Law, assuming what can go wrong will. No individual, group, country, government nor scientist can prepare or predict every contingency. However, the better prepared we are for the majority of what we can predict the easier …

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If the Trucks Stop Coming

If the Trucks Stop Coming Now days many people are buying and selling their produce, eggs and even meat locally. However, not enough so that our country’s economy could withstand a total breakdown of the shipping process. A large amount of what we eat as well as other products are trucked in. The infographic below …

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Staying Alive After A Nuclear Attack

Staying Alive After A Nuclear Attack When I came across this article, I almost passed it by and the after reading it had to think a bit before deciding whether to share it with you. I don’t believe in fear mongering and when I see articles regarding nuclear explosions most of the time that is just …

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Genius Ways To Organize

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Genius Ways To Organize Storage space is considered a high priority when purchasing a home. Designers talk about kitchens and bathrooms and the resale value of your home. Not only do they need to look pleasing but as consumers we also check and calculate the amount of storage allotted …

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Communication After the World Goes Silent

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Communication After the World Goes Silent Immediately after an emergency situation as soon as we know we are for the moment safe from the initial event in today’s world our second priority tends to be contacting friends and family to assess not only our own situation but to reassure …

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DIY Water Purification System

DIY Water Purification System Water, water and more water! I know to those of you, like myself, who have been prepping for some time, are probably tired of hearing about the need to store, acquire, or purify water! But even the aggregated pages like us can’t stress enough the need for this as part of …

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