Setting Broken Bones with a Emergency Splint In the event of an emergency where you have suddenly become the first or only responder there are some basic medical procedures, we all should know. CPR being the first and most likely to be needed by the average person. But after a disaster of any kind where …
Tag: preps
Disaster Declared Now How Do YOU Get Help
Disaster Declared Now How Do YOU Get Help The 911 emergency operators are overwhelmed trying to answer all the concerned callers either worried about what is happening or in dire need of assistance. Fire and police vehicles are speeding everywhere with sirens blaring. When you get a snippet of news here and there it is all …
Opening a Master Lock W/Out Keys or Specialty Tools
Opening a Master Lock W/Out Keys or Specialty Tools This is a little trick has been known by the crooks and bad guys for some time. I am sharing it so you will also now know it. Knowledge is power and forewarned is forearmed. I have always known that a padlock could be removed with …
the Polarmond all-in-one sleep system
the Polarmond all-in-one sleep system Designed like a spacesuit this shelter/sleeping bag replaces the need for carrying a tent and bedding whether that be a mat and a blanket or a sleeping bag. What makes it different than the Australian Swag Tent (view here) is the unique design that prevents the buildup of moisture from …
8 Signs of Canned Goods Gone Bad
8 Signs of Canned Goods Gone Bad There is always a good bit of controversy regarding the validity and actual meaning of “expiration dates”, “best by date”, “sell by date” and “freshest by dates”. It is agreed though that the day before the expiration date is really no safer or less safe than the actual …
Instant Boil a Meals
Instant Boil a Meals These kinds of meals are just what I had in mind when I first began dehydrating my own produce and meats. At the time I was living in Kansas which is of course famous for its tornados. I thought I was so clever as to have stocked our dehydrated and emergency …
Creative Ways to Use Storage Beans – Even if You Hate Them
Creative Ways to Use Storage Beans – Even if You Hate Them What drew my attention to this featured article was the sub-heading stating … even if you hate them. I know beans are good protein, store easily, keep well, and are currently inexpensive. What better food to store? Unless like me and apparently Jane …
Bomb Resistant Wallpaper
Bomb Resistant Wallpaper Wow! If you are considering new construction particularly in a commercial environment this is definitely an upgrade, you may want to consider. Sadly, in the world today, protecting your building and customers from suicide bombers is not a far-fetched idea. But even better yet, if this wallpaper liner can reduce damage from …
33 Awesome DIY Projects
33 Awesome DIY Projects I love this quote from the featured article: DiY skills may one day turn a tinkering hobby into life-saving knowledge. Turning book knowledge into useful stuff takes initiative. I strongly believe it to be true. I have learned a lot of things that later became useful in daily life from hobbies …
Having the Don’t Come Here Chat
Having the Don’t Come Here Chat We have all heard the “Well if anything bad happens, I/we will just come to your place”. Then they give you that silly grin which says without words (In my opinion). “You are so overreacting” and “If something bad does happen you will need me even more than now …