Inexpensive Overlooked Life Saving Prep One of the most overlooked preps is one of the least expensive! Disaster scenarios include electrical problems, arson, kitchen accidents, wild fires, lightning strikes and even an EMP can cause a fire. So many lost lives and tons of property damage could be avoided with a simple inexpensive prep. A fire …
Tag: preps
DIY Vertical Squash Arch
DIY Vertical Squash Arch Who would have thought that squash could be the focal point of your garden? Better yet you can build it yourself! Squash actually is a pretty plant, a bit of a rambling vine that has to be tamed or it takes over the space, but it has great large deep green …
Oat Straw as a Herbal Remedy
Oat Straw as a Herbal Remedy In a SHTF event we know that medical care and pharmaceuticals will become hard if not impossible to obtain. Natural remedies will return as the way to medicate and supplement our diets for good health. Different plants and herbs can affect the body in different ways. Always use caution …
Cleaning and Filleting Fish
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Cleaning and Filleting Fish One food source if you live in an area with lakes or rivers is fish. (Deep sea fishing or ocean fishing are a whole different sport and food source) Not only are they healthy for us they are an excellent survival food in a crisis situation. …
Emergency Wound Closures
Emergency Wound Closures One of the more frightening things about dealing with an emergency scenario is that you or someone else could be injured and medical care not available. This would mean that the first responder would be you. To better prepare yourself for helping yourself and others should there be injuries during or after …
DIY Cold Frame
DIY Cold Frame A Simple Cold frame will extend your Vegetable Growing Season into the Winter months. A Cold frame—simply an enclosed area with a clear top to let in sunlight—is one of the easiest ways to do this. All you need are a few basic supplies and your imagination.The only essential for the frame’s …
Does Bugging Out = Becoming a Refugee
Does Bugging Out = Becoming a Refugee There are folks that feel bugging out is the only option. I think truthfully many more plan to bug in than vocalize their intentions. Those that have a plan A to bug out are more quiet about their bug out location then they are about their plan to bug out. Preppers whose first …
Hand Tools in a Power Down Crisis
Hand Tools in a Power Down Crisis In most emergency situations the first thing down is the power grid. Unfortunately those types of emergencies are often caused by natural disasters which can also damage your home and property.If gas is available to run a generator, yes your power tools will come in real handy. However, …
DIY Self Watering Rain Gutter Garden
DIY Self Watering Rain Gutter Garden Our lifestyles today are not real contusive to always providing our gardens with the love and care they need to thrive. We take business trips, vacations, and simply don’t always have the time to water and weed as we would like. I admit that after a long day at …
31 Creative Raised Garden Beds
Some posts may contain affiliate links. 31 Creative Raised Garden Beds More and more people are gardening in small urban areas. One of the major issues to overcome when gardening in an urban environment is space. Raised garden beds are one solution. They are also a wonderful option for those that have difficulty stooping and …