Making Amish Black Salve Many of us are following the lead of the Amish when it comes to making our own products particularly preppers who are concerned for a day when those products will be unavailable store bought and homesteaders who often live very simply do it yourself lifestyles. The Amish black salve is known …
Tag: Prepping
Frugal Recipes For Hard Times
Frugal Recipes For Hard Times Everyone has had hard times, some more than others and some harder than others. As a single parent I have had my share! But no matter how tough a time you are experiencing you and your family especially if you have children need proper nutrition. That is not always easy …
Why MIY Wine
Why MIY Wine I share enough wine recipes with you all that I know you must wonder if my pantry looks like a winery! LOL It doesn’t. I am actually not a wine connoisseur at all. I prefer a cooler or cocktail. But I do recognize the benefits of knowing how and occasionally making my …
DIY Smokehouse From Cement Blocks
DIY Smokehouse From Cement Blocks Not only are smoked meats tasty but it is a great low-cost way of preserving meat. Because this method doesn’t require electricity it makes it an excellent post SHTF method as well. If you are smoking a large amount of meat this is the way to do it! It is …
Uncommon Items for Your Survival Kit
Uncommon Items for Your Survival Kit Most of you won’t find these “uncommon” items so uncommon to have in your survival kit. However, I found they did list some uses I was unaware of. I am a huge lemon fan, so I found that the uses in the featured article quite interesting. You may find …
Sneaky Prepper Gifts for Non-Preppers
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Sneaky Prepper Gifts for Non-Preppers Whether you celebrate the seasonal holidays or not at some time or another you are likely to have a reason to purchase or make a gift for someone who isn’t prepping. This is the perfect time to sneak in a preparedness item. Especially if during the …
50 Questions To Ask the Non-Prepper
50 Questions To Ask the Non-Prepper I hate to admit it but some of the 50 questions asked, I hadn’t even thought of! The featured article from The Backdoor Prepper does indeed give us all food for thought, not just the non-prepper! We all tend to stay within our own little worlds when thinking of …
Medical Survival Tips
Medical Survival Tips Medical tips are among my favorites. I am not an aspiring doctor or wanna be medic of any sort. But I do use a doctor regularly and figure if I do so do a lot of other people. Doctors, nurses and any kind of first responder experience will be a premium skill …
Getting Non-Preppers On Board
Getting Non-Preppers On Board This subject is one of the most debated and most important of all the questions ever dealt with when preparing. It is hard enough to squeeze a dime here and there to prepare us and loved ones for the eventuality of being caught in a disaster situation. We just can’t do …
EMP Myths and Facts
EMP Myths and Facts I get asked questions about EMPs all the time. As I always reiterate no one is an expert on everything. I am definitely not an EMP expert or anything even close! Most of the time my response is to direct the person asking the question to the articles I have read with the advice …