Tag: Preparedness

Homemade Dry Dog Food

Homemade Dry Dog Food

Homemade Dry Dog Food If you want to save money now on dog food, make sure your pet has a supply during a SHTF event, have your pooch on a special diet or just want to make sure your best friend eats healthier this recipe is for the dog lover! My own little guy won’t …

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22 Sap Producing Trees and How to Tap Them

22 Sap Producing Trees and How to Tap Them Adding bit of sweetness in your life naturally is nice contrast to all the processed sugar we find in just about everything store bought. Maple tends to be the first tree that we think of when we think of homemade syrup but it really isn’t the …

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Conflict of Federal and State Law Over CPLs Catches Citizens In-between

Conflict of Federal and State Law Over CPLs Catches Citizens In-between

Conflict of Federal and State Law Over CPLs Catches Citizens In-between As laws change both state and federally there is bound to be some overlap. Which law should the police concern themselves with and which should the average citizen accept as the “right” law to obey? For some this particular clash of laws is governed …

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You Can Plant Veggies in July

You Can Plant Veggies in July July is definitely not too late to start planting veggies! July is also a good month to put in a second (or third) sowing of certain crops, such as carrots, radishes, kale, and lettuce. It is also the perfect time to start planning the fall vegetable garden — fall …

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DIY Soup Can Forge

DIY Soup Can Forge The featured video shows you how to make a simple inexpensive DIY forge from a soap can lined with plaster! Operated by a torch the is fueled by a common fuel such as propane or if you make your own bio-gas, this could also be a fuel source for your torch. …

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Survival Uses for a Tampon

Survival Uses for a Tampon The simple tampon is a staple in many women’s pocketbooks. Have you ever thought of it as a survival tool? Did you know it is oft found in the USA military medic’s bag and that its use as a medical supply goes back years before its hygiene usage? To learn why medics carry them and what other …

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The Basic Principles of Biogas

The Basic Principles of Biogas

The Basic Principles of Biogas Biogas is an old method of off grid power that is once again being used by many to replace the expensive mainstream alternatives. It recycles waste to make power and you can do it yourself! A small bit of set up can save you a ton of money over the …

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MIY Aspirin from Willow Bark

MIY Aspirin from Willow Bark

MIY Aspirin from Willow Bark Long before we began getting our medications out of a bottle, people learned which plants and trees provided relief or assistance in over coming human ailments. In a SHTF situation this would be useful information to have and share. The pharmacies and the pharmaceutical companies may not be open or producing …

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10 Considerations for a Bug Out Location

10 Considerations for a Bug Out Location

10 Considerations for a Bug Out Location As with any real estate choice they say the key is location location location. This is true with your bug out location as well. The considerations however before making your decision are quite different in a bug out retreat as opposed to a home. You will need to look …

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12 Bug Out Tips for Families with Children

12 Bug Out Tips for Families with Children

12 Bug Out Tips for Families with Children Nothing could be more worrisome than the idea of needing to bug out with children in tow. Your plans need to be flexible enough to accommodate the younger one’s  needs, yet firmly in place enough that your child knows what to expect and not to panic. The featured …

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