Finding North With Out a Compass I know how to find my barring via the constellations but without a compass that was pretty much it for me! If lost I would have to sit and wait until dark to find my way and begin my trek home! Truthfully I really am directionally impaired but I would rather head …
Tag: Preparedness
Solar-Powered Lens Water Purification
Solar-Powered Lens Water Purification The project set up by Buffalo sophomore Deshawn Henry is one he hopes will contribute to insuring the world will always have access to clean safe drinkable water. His prototype is determining the appropriate thickness and angles etc.. to make this a doable project for the rest of us. Once those factors …
Cinnamon and Honey Home Remedies
Cinnamon and Honey Home Remedies Herbal and natural remedies are a favorite of homesteaders, preppers, and those who just want to know what they are putting into their bodies. Cinnamon and honey are a favorite combination for healing all kinds of ailments. It has been for centuries. Currently cinnamon is inexpensive and available in large …
An Interior Emergency Bag Could Make the Difference in Surviving
An Interior Emergency Bag Could Make the Difference in Surviving No one wants or plans to have an automobile crash. Much less be trapped inside the vehicle for any length of time waiting for rescue. Although both vehicles pictured happen to be red, they are from separate accidents. Both the drivers survived the initial crash. But were trapped …
Practical Skills People Once Knew
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Practical Skills People Once Knew As technology has grown the use of practical old skills and knowledge has steadily declined. We are so dependent upon the electronics and gadgets of today that without them many are simply lost. In a post SHTF world this will mean chaos. Basic things …
Herbal Treatments – Mullein Information & Recipes
Herbal Treatments – Mullein Information & Recipes Like everyone else I have seen mullein (Verbascum thapsus) otherwise known as the candle flower growing along side the roadways and simply assumed it was a rather pretty but worthless weed. I was wrong! I am amazed by the uses for this plant! Mullein is best known among herbal practitioners …
30 Must Haves for Your Emergency Medical Kit
30 Must Haves for Your Emergency Medical Kit We all know the basics of a first aid kit. Bandages, antiseptics, etc.. but in a total SHTF scenario a first aid kit becomes a first responders kit because you are the first and perhaps only responder to the scene. What then becomes a necessity changes, you must …
Uses for an Empty Altoids Can
Uses for an Empty Altoids Can Altoids were first marketed in Europe as a treatment for intestinal discomfort in 1780 and weren’t available in the United States until 1918. By 1920 they had become a popular breath mint everywhere. For some reason there seems something almost wasteful to simply toss out the little metal Altoids tin …
Tactically Defending Your Neighborhood
Tactically Defending Your Neighborhood For our purposes here, we are going to assume there has been a total collapse of society as we know it. Whether it be a temporary situation or a long term one we are suddenly without law enforcement, the national guard and the army are all either gone or busy elsewhere …
Volcano Preparedness
Volcano Preparedness Lessons Learned from Mt. St. Helen As recently as April 2021 a volcano erupted in the Caribbean. Now however rare eruptions do happen as and not always in a far off location as was evidenced by MT St Helen in Washington state some years ago. You don’t have to live on the volcano …