Tag: Preparedness

When to Plant Potatoes

When to Plant Potatoes Potatoes are easy to grow, but like cool weather, so you should try to get them into the ground at the right time. You can order seed potatoes through mail-order garden companies or buy them at local garden centers/ hardware stores. You should be aware that supermarket potatoes are usually treated …

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DIY Paracord Snowshoes

DIY Paracord Snowshoes Harsh wintery weather can be a SHTF event on its own. Being stranded in blizzard conditions even more so. If you know you’re going to be taking a trek of more than a few feet in deep snow and freezing temperature you definitely need to preplan and have snowshoes available to you. However not everyone …

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Tactics to Deter Looters & Defend Yourself

Tactics to Deter Looters & Defend Yourself For the sake of anyone new to prepping or homesteading the first point to be made here is that looters and scavengers are not the same thing! See looter defined here by dictionary.com: verb (used with object) –6.to carry off or take (something) as loot: to loot a …

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Teaching Children to Prepare

Teaching Children to Prepare (2 links) Our Children learn by watching us but don’t always understand any more than this is how mom or dad always did it. Indeed, that it the first step to teaching your children to prepare. However, they must be taught from the time they have any amount of independence to …

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Clever Ideas for Gardeners

Clever Ideas for Gardeners No matter what season it is, it is never too early or too late to be planning your garden, what went wrong last year? What went right? Which plants need more light and which need less, what should you plant more or less of and where would that do best? With …

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Space Challenged Storage Tips

Space Challenged Storage Tips No home no matter how big has enough storage space! It seems the more storage space we have the more stuff we need to store! But some homes are more space challenged than others. There is a movement of late toward the tiny house. Storage is at a premium in any …

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Avoiding Drone Detection

Avoiding Drone Detection The benefits for a privately owned drone during times of disaster or after a total SHTF event are evident. You would have the ability to scout a much larger area in much less time and without putting yourself or another group member in harms way. If the terrain is particularly difficult they …

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Wonderfully Ordinary Prepper’s OPSEC

Wonderfully Ordinary Prepper’s OPSEC We have read about becoming the grey man during a SHTF event, this time we are reading about always appearing average and wonderfully ordinary to the rest of the world and our communities protecting our group/family’s OPSEC. If you charge about town in your camouflage gear while open carrying your weapon and it’s …

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Prepping for Winter Storms

Prepping for Winter Storms Winter storms can range from a moderate snow over a few hours to a blizzard with blinding, wind-driven snow that lasts for several days. Some winter storms are large enough to affect several states, while others affect only a single community. Many winter storms are accompanied by dangerously low temperatures and …

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Surviving a Long Trek in the Snow & Cold – 10 Do’s and Don’ts

Surviving a Long Trek in the Snow & Cold – 10 Do’s and Don’ts The tips included in the featured article are intended for making a planned necessary trip on foot through the snow and freezing cold. The supplies recommended are not usually available to those who are stranded for some reason in a storm. …

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