Tag: Preparedness

Flu Buster Stew

Flu Buster Stew We hear a lot of home remedies that people swear by. I have a few of my own. Some are passed down generation to generation. Some of those passed down have been looked at by medical researchers and found to actually have a medically valid mixture of ingredients that can help with …

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Survive an Elevator Free Fall

Survive an Elevator Free Fall This SHTF event was brought to my attention by a reader. We don’t hear about nor see too many elevator accidents anymore, but when we do, they are horrific! When you look at it logically an accident in an elevator can’t help but be a disastrous event for anyone involved. …

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Field Dressing a Deer

Field Dressing a Deer Almost everyone who talks about post SHTF food sources refers to foraging, gardening, and hunting. Hunting is not a pretty thing to see or do. It’s not a far-off shot and that is it, you go home and feed your family this foreign food that magically appears after the gun shot. …

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A Working Urban Farm

A Working Urban Farm I have always wanted to do an urban homestead or farm. I just always assumed I didn’t have enough property to do so! Wow has this family showed me I was wrong. With great planning and creativity, they have turned 1/10th of an acre into a working farm in an urban area. …

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Straw Bale Gardening

Straw Bale Gardening

Straw Bale Gardening Here is some info on this gardening method from a Joel Karsten out of Minnesota. From the pictures it looks like this works well. Looks like he puts about 3 inches of potting soil on top the Straw Bales to start Seeds in. Straw Bale Gardening is a simply a different type …

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MIY Pine Pitch Glue

MIY Pine Pitch Glue After a SHTF event things we use every day and don’t even think about will become scarce. Things like tape, glue, thread, water proofing sprays, etc… If said disaster causes you and your family/group to be homeless building a new shelter will require some water proofing and more than likely a …

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DIY Solar Furnace

DIY Solar Furnace Heat is necessity in most parts of the world for several months of the year. This DIY furnace project can save you cash today in normal times and could save you literally in times of crisis. This particular furnace would heat an average room only, but if you are handy  and want to …

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MIY Yeast or Extend Your Supply

MIY Yeast or Extend Your Supply (Recipe for extending yeast supply and link to making it from scratch) Yeast is a very basic supply needed to make a number of the foods we love and use daily. Foods that might not be available for purchase if the lines of supply are blocked or the stores cease to …

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Emergency Improvised Firestarting

Emergency Improvised Firestarting Prepper, survivalist, camper. hunter, or hiker we all carry more than one method of starting a fire. However just getting the initial flame in some circumstances won’t be enough! Keeping it going and going strong enough to provide the warmth needed or the flame needed to cook your meal, boil your water …

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5 Priorities for Surviving in the Wild

5 Priorities for Surviving in the Wild We all know the basic rule of 3 and know it applies to darn near every disaster scenario you can think of. But in what order and by what method should you apply that rule when stranded, lost, or driven into the wild to survive? What fears will …

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