Tag: Preparedness

Free Manuals on Prepping & 1st Aid

Free Manuals on Prepping & 1st Aid Anyone who has met me knows FREE is my favorite price! And when it is life saving and free it’s beyond my ability to resist! We have had free printable lists before, but this is so much more. Actual instructions and on subjects that everyone from the ordinary …

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DIY Raised Planter Stand

DIY Raised Planter Stand A raised planter is a perfect solution for those avid gardeners who have developed a bad back or rusty knees and shouldn’t stoop as much as an ordinary ground-based garden requires. They can also solve a multitude of space issues, soil issues and provide a garden spot for renters who may not be …

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Prepping Points

Prepping Points Just about everyone knows what is needed to make it through a 72-hour scenario. Hopefully that is all we will ever face. But this has been shown not to always be the case. New Orleans is still recovering from hurricane Katrina and there are still displaced families all these years later. It is …

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14 Off Grid DIY Projects

14 Off Grid DIY Projects Everyone not just preppers and homesteaders want to lower or if you’re really determined eliminate your utility bills. Not everyone worries about the day when power and water may not be available at the turn of a nob or the flip of a switch. We all should be, but truth …

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Prepping Without Money

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Prepping Without Money Truthfully, I believe the featured article is more intended for the longer-term prepper. For the new prepper having a fully stocked pantry and all the other rational supplies may not yet be a goal reached. I agree with the author of the featured article that self-reliance …

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15 Gadgets That Save Lives Today

15 Gadgets That Save Lives Today People tend to think of preparing for a major event as prepping. But it is so much more than that. It also encompasses preparing for the less wide spread, less public, more personal disasters that can occur at any time to anyone of us. Being self-sufficient doesn’t always mean …

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Practice Tactical Clearing

Practice Tactical Clearing We see bits and pieces of tactical clearing on television shows all the time. But no one talks about how to do it and how to practice this technique for home use during or after a SHTF event. Knowing your own homes layout viewed from the point of an intruder should be …

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Can You Plant In March?

This is a great time to start working on your Spring gardening plans, even though Spring doesn’t officially start until much later in the month. Quite a bit of the country still has to contend with cold weather spells in March, but in some of the Southern areas, things are already starting to heat up. …

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Testing Seed Viability

Testing Seed Viability I can so relate to the frustration expressed by the author of the featured article’s experience with her beans! Knowing in advance the viability of a package or group of home saved seeds can save you frustration and money. If you as did the author, plant a bunch of seed and then …

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Principles of Self-Sufficiency

Principles of Self-Sufficiency Self-sufficiency actually means different things to different people depending on their individual situations. To one of my daughters, it means supporting herself and her child without assistance from anyone. To another child it means being able to live away from home on her own, and to yet another it means being able to …

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