Night Vision Injections What if you didn’t need night vision goggles to see clearly at night? While this is still in the experimental stages that might be possible in the future! The featured article talks about what the researchers deem to be a successful trial run of an injectable substance put directly in the subject’s …
Tag: Preparedness
Harvesting & Eating Acorns
Harvesting & Eating Acorns Native Americans have been making use of acorn meal for centuries. It’s a reasonable substitute for flour in a SHTF scenario or for off grid cooking. Harvesting and eating acorns has been almost a lost art. Now we can revive it again for this generation. Check out the featured link below and receive …
Bugging In Basic Survival At Home
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Basic Survival At Home Many silent preppers are planning on bugging in. Hunkering down by choice isn’t always as well documented or discussed on most prepping sites as is bugging out and sheltering in place on a temporary basis. There are a ton of reason people are choosing to ride out …
Grow Potatoes in Hay
Grow Potatoes in Hay One of the biggest issues with my current property is that the soil is bad and extremely rocky. So much so that when we walked the “lawn” we picked up enough rocks large enough in size to create a pond with them! This was before ever turning a shovel in the …
Keeping Ants Out of the Garden
Keeping Ants Out of the Garden USE CITRUS PEELINGS Collect citrus peelings (orange, lemon, etc.), ground them up and mix with water. Spray the liquid concoction over the mound. This method is an effective natural remedy for getting rid of carpenter ants and other garden ants. If you don’t want to make this, you can …
Using Comfrey as a Healing Aid
Using Comfrey as a Healing Aid Comfrey has been used for centuries to assist in healing everything from wounds to broken bones. It is supposed to speed up that lengthy process. Although I personally have never tried it there are those that swear by its use particularly in broken bones. I would never advise you …
DIY Solar Panels with Pop-Cans
DIY Solar Panels with Pop-Cans I would have thought that building a solar heater would have been a huge undertaking. But as it turns out, it’s not as hard as you might think! The featured article below shows the step-by-step instructions using recycled soda, pop or even beer cans! Who would have thought that pop-cans could …
Eating & Cooking Daylilies
Eating & Cooking Daylilies We are all learning a lot about eating what nature provides and things that we wouldn’t usually consider food items, like dandelions and now daylilies! This is a little more complicated plant than is a dandelion. It has several medicinal purposes and can work like a laxative and a diuretic. Daylilies are also known …
1,000 Year Old Remedy Fights Antibiotic Resistant Bugs
1,000 Year Old Remedy Fights Antibiotic Resistant Bugs The featured article speaks to an old eye salve that is said to actually work wonders on infections like MRSA which are usually antibiotic resistant. Researchers at the University of Nottingham in the UK found the remedy in a 9th century they were translating in hopes of …
Avoid 6 Common Prepping Mistakes
Avoid 6 Common Prepping Mistakes Like with most things in life prepping can be a live and learn proposition. However, unlike many other life lessons, you may not get the chance to change the plan or get a re-do as the only mistake could be the only one that mattered. So, in this instance we …