Tag: preparations

Natural Remedies for Asthma

Natural Remedies for Asthma Asthma is one of the many illnesses suffered by millions of people worldwide. It can be quite dangerous. Anyone with asthma should have several rescue inhalers in different locations that they frequent on a regular basis. But if during or after a SHTF event you or someone you know has asthma …

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A Collection of Free Preparedness Printables

A Collection of Free Preparedness Printables I am a strong believer in the emergency home manual among other printed materials being kept in the home. You may know what supplies are where, how to use and maintain survival equipment, which herb works for what etc… but does your entire family? Sadly, there are emergencies that …

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MIY Salt from Seawater

MIY Salt from Seawater Ok, I admit when I first saw this article, I thought… “Well, you just gather the saltwater and let it sit, until it the water evaporates… duh” But then I thought a little longer and wiser and realized just because its seawater doesn’t make it pure by any means! I wouldn’t just …

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BOB Maintenance

BOB Maintenance As the seasons and the world changes so should your bug out bag. Batteries need to be checked, charged, and replaced. Clothing and footwear need to be updated, sized and seasonally appropriate for your area. What you could be facing will change as the world does. It wasn’t too long ago that worrying …

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DIY Wet Pot Irrigation Systems

DIY Wet Pot Irrigation Systems (Video + 2 links) I had personally not heard of a wet pot irrigation system. I’ll be honest and admit I have my own DIY irrigation system, so I hadn’t paid much attention until I came across this one! See how it works at the video below   Well of …

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Stop Shopping and MIY Items

Stop Shopping and MIY Items I know I have removed more than 5 items from my own shopping list by MIY (make it yourself). If you make it yourself, I am sure you have too! But if you’re new to the MIY process, then these might be the first 5 items you too could scratch off …

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DIY Wool Boots

DIY Wool Boots   Not just cute and practical but because YOU made them inexpensive! Reason enough to learn how to make them today. Add that after a SHTF event there aren’t going to be BOGO sales or shoe repair shops, but you will still need to protect your feet and it becomes even more …

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Famine Menu-Limited Storage Plan

Famine Menu-Limited Storage Plan Again, we are using a phrase that appears to be an oxymoron. When there is famine how can you have a menu? Because you prepared! The menu featured in the linked article is a bare subsistence nutritionally balanced survival mode daily intake allowance. To stay alive, you must have fuel and …

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Standing Your Ground Prepping

Standing Your Ground Prepping Some of those who choose to have a bug in option as their plan A find they sometimes feel like the outcast within the prepping circles. They are called naïve by some, stubborn, and trapped by others. My personal stance is that if the SHTF event we are discussing is one that …

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DIY PCV Gravity Aquaponic Garden

DIY PCV Gravity Aquaponic Garden Aquaponic gardens are becoming more and more popular. I always say they are mini little eco systems and they are! So actually, aquaponic gardening has always been around, but we are just beginning to bring them into our small corners of the world… our homes and gardens. But building one …

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