Tag: preparations

Food Preservation And Sustainability

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Food Preservation And Sustainability One of the most important parts of prepping or homesteading is sustainability. You can save and store a huge number of supplies only to have them wiped out in a disaster, taken from you by marauders or confiscated and eventually no matter how much you …

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10 Basics For Your Armorer’s Kit

10 Basics For Your Armorer’s Kit Almost every prepper site talks about having a personal armory for the day when you must hunt for food and or protect yourself and your family from those who would take what you have or simply want to do harm. But they don’t talk about the fact that just …

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Some States Require a Permit to Trade Seeds

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Some States Require a Permit to Trade Seeds It appears another simple homesteading, prepping, and gardening common practice has found its way into the law maker’s crosshairs. Seed libraries, friends, neighbors and even relatives may soon and are already in some states required to have a permit to gift …

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DIY Cheese Waxing

DIY Cheese Waxing DIY cheese waxing sounds like a really bizarre process, doesn’t it?!? But once the cheese is incased in the wax it can store for years without getting moldy. Personally, a world without cheese to me is a personal SHTF scenario. I love cheese on or in just about everything. Not only does it …

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Keyhole Gardening

Keyhole Gardening

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Keyhole Gardening Keyhole gardening is not only an attractive way to grow your harvest but a very viable option in warmer climates. They have been the preferred method of gardens in spots like Africa where climates are hot and dry because they hold water so well and are able …

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What Can’t Safely Be Canned?

What Can’t Safely Be Canned? I know when I first began canning, I wanted to can EVERYTHING! I still re-can things I purchase in bulk down to meal size portions. But I have learned over the years and fortunately without any ill effects that not everything cans well. Not only do some things not can …

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Avoid BOB Mistakes

Avoid BOB Mistakes The Prepared Page is proud to present a new author among our featured articles, Cynthia Hoover. Extremely detailed and geared toward the refreshing for long term preppers and assisting the new prepper with beginning the process of getting started, we hope you will find her articles as helpful as we do. Lots …

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Soak Seeds for Speedy Germination

Soak Seeds for Speedy Germination If you soak your Seeds, water will fully penetrate the hull of the seed, nourishing the germ that will bloom into a plant. Seeds get food from the nutrients in the soil once they are planted, but for a good start they need plenty of water. It can be difficult …

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Using a Water Wheel to Actually Pump Water

Using a Water Wheel to Actually Pump Water The water wheel has been used for centuries to create power through the movement of water. But when it came to moving water, we needed power to move the water from one location to another. Now this particular water wheel design uses the energy of the moving …

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Surviving a Tornado in Your Vehicle

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Surviving a Tornado in Your Vehicle I have always been fortunate enough to have been safely in my home and well prepared when a tornado stuck my location. However, think about it…. How much time a day do you actually spend not just away from home but in your …

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