The First Things a Prepper Should do I grew up with a mother who is/was a prepper, she just didn’t know that is what it was called! She calls it just in case planning! LOL She is actually offended by the term prepper as she associates it with the doomsday dudes. So, I have been prepping …
Tag: preparations
Survive Terror Attacks
Survive Terror Attacks The world is more aware than ever before of just how fragile our peace and our lives are. Most attacks are not a designated war zone. But at this time in history, the entire world is indeed a war zone. There will always be those extremists on both sides of the coin. …
3 Essentials to Prevent Home Invasion
3 Essentials to Prevent Home Invasion Home invasions are one of those things that only happen to other people, like rape, robbery, murder, and identity theft. Until they happen to you, and you become that other person! No one should live in fear. Just the opposite. We should have our homes, possessions and selves secure …
3 Super Seeds For Long Term Storage
Some posts may contain affiliate links. 3 Super Seeds For Long Term Storage When I think of seed storage I am thinking for my family and my thoughts go to veggies and herbs. Garden seeds particularly those that are quick and easy to grow. My thoughts were not geared towards longer term survival of the …
A-Z Herbal Remedies
A-Z Herbal Remedies In times of poverty one of the things that goes first into the luxury category is over the counter treatments. It is also one of the first resources eaten up by a disaster situation and this can be a scenario as close as the community down the street from you or in …
Cool Bicycle Modifications You Can do Yourself
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Cool Bicycle Modifications You Can do Yourself In some parts of the world the bicycle is the preferred mode of transportation year round. Here in the United States it is often considered either a summer/spring travel alternative or ridden for pleasure and exercise. So for those of you who …
How To Travel Safely During a SHTF Event
How To Travel Safely During a SHTF Event Any non-personal community wide or larger SHTF event carries with it the possibility of bugging out temporarily or even getting out of dodge for the long term. You have your BOB and at the very least an idea of what will travel with you in a GOOD scenario. …
DIY Insulated Tire Water Trough
DIY Insulated Tire Water Trough A really neat idea for keeping your smaller livestock and larger pets’ water from freezing this winter! Susan’s husband built the trough pictured above for their goat. But it would work for big dogs, smaller horses, etc… Best of all it is a recycling project and requires no power source so …
Deter Water or Bullets with Sand Bags
Deter Water or Bullets with Sand Bags I happen to live in a flood prone area of the United States and have seen numerous sandbags over the years. I never gave much thought to them in all honesty. A sandbag is a sandbag was my thinking. But that isn’t true! We all see the sandbags …
The Post-Collapse Trading Post
The Post-Collapse Trading Post My goodness has my thinking been out of wack on this subject! I am embarrassed to admit I had not considered an actual trading post if there is a full-blown long term SHTF event. My thoughts on trading were among my community and those passing through, I have what you need, …