Tag: Frugal

Cutting Plastic Out of the Picture

Cutting Plastic Out of the Picture Sometimes it’s hard to imagine a world without plastic. You may not even realize how often during your daily life you come into contact with plastic one way or another throughout your day. It was one of the most lucrative brilliant inventions of its time. Along with the population …

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Introducing the HERC Oven

Introducing the HERC Oven Power outages, fuel shortages, or a long term SHTF event can all be good reason to know about or have a Herc oven. Of course, you could use your barbeque grill during these types of outages, but who wants to grill outdoors during a storm that is powerful enough to have …

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DIY Rotation Can Storage

DIY Rotation Can Storage I have seen a number of DIY rotation can storage units in the last couple of years. Most of them are free standing and I simply don’t have the space for the majority of them. This one however fits into your already existing pantry! It looks custom and professional, so it …

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Saving Seeds From Your Garden

Saving Seeds From Your Garden

Saving Seeds From Your Garden Most of you are just getting your Seeds sown now, or starts planted in your garden, so saving seeds is something you are probably not thinking about at this time. Seed Saving is something very important to consider, though, and I’d like you to add it to your planning for …

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DIY Track Bike

DIY Track Bike This is an awesome DIY project vehicle! Imagine going off road in this! Not only is it usable on the roadways but with the tracks it can also carry you through rough off-road terrain. If you are looking for a play vehicle this is the most unusual one out there and with …

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MIY Laundry Soap

MIY Laundry Soap Many recipes I have seen for laundry soap are labor intensive and involve melting then cooling etc. soap to create. This one is different because it is so quick and easy! Still, none of the fillers added to commercially sold laundry detergents. You can add your own choice of essential oils if …

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Pedal-Powered Washer

Pedal-Powered Washer If there is a long term SHTF event that leaves us without power, we will be busy folks trying to provide for ourselves and our families without power. An off-gird washer can make our lives a lot easier under those conditions. There are a lot of small devices that work well and are …

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DIY T-Shirt Rug

DIY T-Shirt Rug I strongly believe in donating usable goods that are no longer of use to you. These items could be just what someone else is needing or looking for! However, if you donate something like T-shirts you know that some are long past their value as clothing items to anyone. When my son …

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101 Household Tips

101 Household Tips How do household tips apply to prepping or homesteading? Time and efficiency of course! We have gardens to grow, seasonal fruits to preserve, DIY projects to start and finish and who can’t use the extra time saved this summer? For things like hanging out around the bbq, at the beach, running through …

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How and Where To Set Early Warning Trip Wires

How and Where To Set Early Warning Trip Wires Security is one of the major issues for all citizens in all parts of the world these days. Not just for preppers or during a SHTF event. Not everyone has access to security systems or even weapons. So how do you protect yourself from those that …

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