Tag: Frugal

Off-grid When the Stockpile Is Gone

Off-grid When the Stockpile Is Gone Stockpiling some food products is only smart for a long- or short-term crisis scenario. Many people disagree saying that for the long term a stockpile will do you no good. It will eventually run out and then where will you be? I both agree and disagree with that statement and …

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MIY Canned Raspberries

MIY Canned Raspberries

MIY Canned Raspberries I love raspberries!! Around here they grow like weeds and it’s like being given a tasty gift. I also believe in waste not want not and have learned how to can them for the off season. Here is how!   Ingredients: 4 cups water 1 cup to 4 3/4 cup sugar 1 1/2 …

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Old West Food Preservation & Cooking

Old West Food Preservation & Cooking Ever wonder as we scramble around today attempting to find the most economical and safest way to preserve our garden harvests how they did it back in the “ole days” prior to mason jars, dehydrators, freezers, food savers and zip lock bags? How did they feed themselves when the …

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Preparing for an Economic Collapse

Preparing for an Economic Collapse

Preparing for an Economic Collapse Many many of us started out as poverty preppers, me included. As a single parent a job loss, an injury, an illness, or a large, unexpected expense can quickly become a personal SHTF scenario. Preparing for an economic collapse is actually quite a similar type of preparation only on a much …

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Building A Wattle Shelter W/O Tools

Building A Wattle Shelter W/O Tools When I think of a shelter built in the woods without the use of tools what comes to mind is not what you can watch this young man build in the video below! My first thought is a debris shelter with just enough room and protection from the elements …

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DIY Canned Bacon

DIY Canned Bacon I was thrilled when the first precooked bacon came out on grocery shelves. Bacon quick and easy? It doesn’t get better!! I tried to throw a few packages in the back of the pantry, but those things were just too easy, and my kids would have them gone before the end of …

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Planting Cherry Pits

Some posts may contain affiliate links.</pre Planting Cherry Pits I currently have an avocado pit soaking on the windowsill , a pineapple top growing on the bathroom counter and 2 and a half pounds of cherries in the fridge! I bet you can guess what I am going to do with some of the pits …

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MIY Watermelon Jerky Aka Fruit Leather

Some posts may contain affiliate links. MIY Watermelon Jerky Aka Fruit Leather The instructions for watermelon jerky given in this featured article is what we here in the Northern part of the US call fruit leathers. It can be applied to a number of different fruits and is a particular favorite In children’s lunch boxes. Much …

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Genius Ways To Organize

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Genius Ways To Organize Storage space is considered a high priority when purchasing a home. Designers talk about kitchens and bathrooms and the resale value of your home. Not only do they need to look pleasing but as consumers we also check and calculate the amount of storage allotted …

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DIY Water Purification System

DIY Water Purification System Water, water and more water! I know to those of you, like myself, who have been prepping for some time, are probably tired of hearing about the need to store, acquire, or purify water! But even the aggregated pages like us can’t stress enough the need for this as part of …

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