Tag: Frugal

The Post-Collapse Trading Post

The Post-Collapse Trading Post My goodness has my thinking been out of wack on this subject! I am embarrassed to admit I had not considered an actual trading post if there is a full-blown long term SHTF event. My thoughts on trading were among my community and those passing through, I have what you need, …

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Alternative Uses For Toothpaste

Alternative Uses For Toothpaste I love the articles that give us uses we hadn’t perhaps thought of for products we already have in our homes. I hate that I am always digging through my cupboards looking for a product a I am sure I purchased but can’t find among the multitude of things I have …

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MIY Dehydrated Broth

MIY Dehydrated Broth This is just an awesome tutorial! No bottled, canned, or pre-dehydrated store-bought broth is as good as homemade. I always have frozen any leftover homemade broth I have and am always sad to see the last of it used. Then until I get a chance to make another batch, I use the dehydrated …

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Rabbit Recipes: Braised and Stewed

Rabbit Recipes: Braised and Stewed Rabbit is one of the most common small game around and have survived many a natural disaster. So, chances are good that if you haven’t already eaten rabbit that after a SHTF scenario you will. Find below a couple of recipes for cooking rabbit originally published on All Recipes. com …

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DIY No-Freeze Watering Station

DIY No-Freeze Watering Station While there is still a bit of warmth in the air, now is a great time to winterize your chicken coop by installing a heat lamp and an anti-freeze watering station. Nothing is worse than having to go out into the cold to thaw out or replace your chickens’ water twice …

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Duct Tape Uses

Duct Tape Uses A very common phrase in my home is if it is suppose to move and doesn’t use WD-40 and if it isn’t suppose to move and does, break out the duct tape! Duct tape has become so popular for so many crafts and on the fly fixes it now comes in all colors and lots …

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Preparing The Golden Antibiotic

Preparing The Golden Antibiotic The ingredients in the golden antibiotic are all individually very helpful as an antibiotic and actually help some people prevent illness and assist with other illnesses traditionally treated by an antibiotic. I use Echinacea as a preventive and when I am stricken with a mild infection and honey always helps me with …

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Survival Uses for Plastic Bottles

Survival Uses for Plastic Bottles The next time you get ready to throw your empty plastic bottles into the recycle bin, stop and consider another method of recycling by reusing. Our friends at Prep for SHTF have come up with at least 10 ways to reuse your empty plastics. Some of them could be lifesaving …

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Rancher VS The EPA Updated

Rancher VS The EPA Updated We saw the case in Oregon where the landowner’s permits to collect water were revoked and after he refused to dismantle his reservoirs was eventually jailed. Then a new battle began between a Wyoming rancher and the EPA over his permitted stock pond on his property. With water becoming more …

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10 Ways That Vinegar Can Come to Your Rescue

10  Ways That Vinegar Can Come to Your Rescue If you are into natural cleaners, you are already aware of the wonders of vinegar. If not take a look at the video below and learn what awesome things that vinegar can do around your household to make your life a bit more natural and easier! …

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