Storing Fuel Long Term

Storing Fuel Long Term

Storing Fuel Long Term


Everyone recalls the gas shortages of the 1970s. Long lines, high prices, rising tempers, and in some cases ration coupons. Imagine a SHTF event that takes down the grid. Not just gasoline would be affected rather all sources of fuel with the possible exception of firewood.

In order to stay ahead of this possibility many people are beginning to store some extra fuels. However, this needs to be done correctly in order for the fuel to remain stable and not become a safety hazard. Die Hard Survivor has gathered information on proper storage to share with us. You can find that at the link below

How to Safely Store Gas “Fuels” Long-Term for SHTF

Recommended additives can be found here for gasoline Fuel Stabilizer

Blanking nitrogen for diesel here Nitrogen 


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