Setting Up Your 1st Bee Hive

Setting Up Your 1st Bee Hive

Setting Up Your 1st Bee Hive

Photo from

Who doesn’t like honey? It’s a great survival food adding a bit of natural sweetness to your stores. Honey also has great medical benefits and an indefinite shelf life. Pharmaceutically it can be ingested or applied topically to enjoy the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Particularly good for sore throats and burns.

After your beehive is set up it becomes as passive method of producing the end product. It is one of nature’s easiest gifts to store and use. But getting it started is considered almost an art form and needs to be done with care so that your workers in this case the bees will stay and produce! See how you can set up your own hive at this link.

How to set up your first beehive

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