Reusing 2 Liter Plastic Bottles

Reusing 2 Liter Plastic Bottles

Reusing 2 Liter Plastic Bottles

I am a big fan of recycling and reusing every day products when their original purpose is finished. Plastic bottles have many  many creative uses. I have actually seen amazing things made from them. However, they also have more common day to day practical uses.

The Prepared Christian has put together a list of some of the more useful repurposing of the two liter bottle. See if you can save any money and make our planet a little less littered with waste reusing your plastic bottles at the link below.

Then if you are one of those wonderfully creative people and have additional ideas for recycling them, give us a call out on our Facebook page and tell us about them.

Fifteen Ways to Reuse Two-Liter Bottles

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