Remedies for Sore Throats & Tonsillitis

Remedies for Sore Throats &  Tonsillitis

sore throat

Photo from Heartburn Bay

Most sore throats are caused by flu and cold symptoms like drainage down the throat from the sinuses. The typical viral sore throat will look like the picture above and there really isn’t too much that can medically be done about it other than treating the pain and irritation. A more serious sore throat is caused by tonsillitis also most often a viral cause. However, in the case of tonsillitis the tonsils become infected and can look like the picture below with the infection being obvious to the naked eye.

sore throat

Photo from Dr. Boshah

Tonsillitis is found more often in children as their bodies attempt to fight off the virus. Again not much to be done other than ease the discomfort. But when you see infected tonsils you do need to take some extra precautions Swollen tonsils can become so inflamed they “kiss” touching each other within the throat and closing off the airway. Reducing the irritation of the sore throat can assist in keeping the swelling from getting to that level. A more serious case of tonsillitis is caused by a bacterial infection rather than a virus. This can lead to a streptococci infection more commonly known as strep throat which can have serious complications.

Viral infections such as sore throats and tonsillitis will become more common in a SHTF scenario when hygiene isn’t at its best and stress lowers the immune system. Medical professionals will not be immediately available under most emergency situations so watching a sore throat closely yourself to insure it isn’t bacterial tonsillitis nor strep throat requiring an antibiotic is critical.

If you or your child has repeated episodes of tonsillitis, if the tonsils kiss, if the infection appears to be increasing rather than decreasing (the white spots on the tonsil) or if the mild fever most commonly associated with the virus becomes a high temperature particularly in an adult please seek medical attention without delay. But if it appears to be a common virus the home remedies may assist in making you more comfortable and prevent additional throat irritation. :

Home Remedies for Tonsillitis


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