Protecting Yourself Legally After a Self-Defense Shooting

Protecting Yourself Legally After a Self-Defense Shooting


In parts of the world, just owning a firearm is illegal and using it for any reason will land you in a heap of trouble. If it is illegal for you to have a gun in your procession then there isn’t a legal way to defend that.

However, there are laws that do allow many citizens of the United States to carry a firearm openly or concealed for the purpose of self-defense. Before anyone purchases or uses a deadly force weapon they should have training on its use and be informed of the laws regarding its use. Some negate that responsibility by adapting the attitude of “Better to be judged by 12 than be carried by 6” This is very true, but wouldn’t it be even better to not be judged nor carried?

Even the best trained individual is going to experience some inner turmoil after a shooting. The entire scenario brings strong mental and physical reactions. Keeping your cool to defend yourself was the first step and maintaining that cool after the immediate danger has passed takes even more self control. Knowing what to do after a self-defense shooting to protect yourself from the possible legal ramifications of said shooting should be part of your firearms training.

See the advice from American Grit on handling this situation at the link below

How to Stay Out of Jail After a Justified Self-Defense Shooting

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