Preparing for Unemployment

Preparing for Unemployment

 Preparing for Unemployment

Photo: wksu_org

Most of us “old timers” call this concept poverty prepping. Some in the younger generation have never had to deal with the worst of the worst of a recession. But most of us have at least seen the ramifications of an unexpected layoff during a time of widespread unemployment. It can be devastating and a personal SHTF scenario.

This situation can be particularly devastating to a single income family whether it be that one parent works at home caring for the household and children or it is a single parent family. The fact is there is no back up income coming in while the bills do continue to flow in.

There are many ways to help shield yourself and family from the consequences after the fact by cutting expenses, but the featured article speaks to attempting to ensure your quality of life prior to the crisis. Continue at the link below for pre-emptive tips that will help you get through a period of unemployment.

10 Unemployment Preparedness Tips

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