Planning beyond the bug-out bag

Planning beyond the bug-out bag

 Planning beyond the bug-out bag


The vast majority of us are well equipped to bug in or hunker down during an emergency. But there are times and events when bugging out is the safest option and even the only option to survive. This of course is when your bug-out bag comes into play.

Light weight and with the correct supplies this bag is your life line. Most of us will never face a disaster that is wide spread and bad enough that we will never be able to go back nor find a new on grid location to begin again. But it is indeed a possibility that we need to be aware of and prepared for.

What are you going to do if what you take with you is all that you have to begin again? Living off the land is often glorified as the simple clean life, while the fact is it is anything but. The more prepared you are for any event even if your bug out plan is over kill for a local event the more comfortable and safe you will be especially if it becomes a long term event.

See Jackie Clay-Atkinson’s advise on Backwoods Home regarding planning for beyond the bag.

Emergency planning beyond the bug-out bag

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