How Does the Flu Actually Kill People?

How Does the Flu Actually Kill People?

 How do people die from the flu?


Am I the only one who feels that there are more deaths in the last few years from the flu than during my entire childhood when medical care was not as advanced as today? I have been very lucky (knock on wood) that as an adult I have only had the flu a couple of times in my twenties and thirties. Since those years gone by I have been able to avoid becoming infected.

In my own personal situation this is a good thing as my immune system is damaged due to heart issues. I realize that the current strains are less treatable and mutated, but it is still just the flu! So I have to wonder with all the healthy children, teens, and young adults succumbing to the flu what is the cause of flu deaths?

MSN news provides some answers and perhaps helpful to you to treat yourself and avoid becoming so very ill. See it at the featured link below

How Does the Flu Actually Kill People?


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