Pain Relief Hiding in the Pantry

Pain Relief Hiding in the Pantry

pain relief

Photo from Organizing WS

No matter how good your health may be most of us suffer little irritants and small injuries at home. Not bad enough to go in to see the doctor and certainly when after hours not bad enough to sit for hours and hours in the local ER. But uncomfortable enough to want pain relief. Nothing like a tooth ache or itchy bug bites will keep you from a decent nights sleep.

The relief you seek may actually be hiding right in front of you in your pantry. Things like vinegar, nutmeg and good old garlic can be the answer for a temporary irritating pain. Some times even just enough relief that if it is something more serious it can help you feel better long enough to get to your doctor. Nothing is worse than when you feel too badly to get up and drive yourself to the doctor! I can’t count the times when I knew I should go but felt too badly to go! If you don’t get total relief from any home remedy please do seek appropriate medical attention as soon as possible as home remedies are not intended for serious issues nor to replace your doctors advice.

Meanwhile check it out and see what pain relievers may be hiding in your pantry!

10 Powerful Natural Painkillers Found In Your Pantry


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