Using a Shemagh What the heck is a shemagh and as most of us don’t live in the desert why would we need or use one? It isn’t a religious item! The shemagh (pronounced Shmog) is a traditional head wrap used in many middle eastern countries. Not just part of the culture however, but part …
3 MIY Cough Syrups
3 MIY Cough Syrups If SHTF the stores will close and making your own home remedies will be the only way to feel better or to cure ailments. Under those conditions a cough would be a really bad thing not just for the person suffering but for the entire group. Coughing is noisy and …
DIY Oil Lamps
DIY Oil Lamps You can never be sure when disaster will strike. You may not be with your supplies and that is when your knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and adaptability comes into play. If you take a look at the four DIY oil lamps made here one or more of the elements may stick with you …
DIY Windmill Building
DIY Windmill Building Having alternative energy sources for survival is probably on every preppers mind. Also with rising energy costs important to all home owners. Solar is expensive and a bit spotty as it relies on sunshine. With wind generators you are reliant on the wind and ordinarily there is more often still wind even …
DIY Vaseline Make it at Home
DIY Vaseline Make it at Home You never know when you will need it… If you are bugging out, or going for a marathon, you can use this to lubricate areas of your body against rubbing, etc. Also handy in making homemade fire starters and using in a pinch for oil on hinges or other …
Ceiling Sliding Extra Storage
Ceiling Sliding Extra Storage Are you sick of having no room in the house? Do you want extra storage off the ground where most people wouldn’t think of looking? Or better yet where flood waters may not reach? Whether your looking to use unused space or you have documents and items that need to be stored and …
Strange Home Cures That Work
Strange Home Cures That Work Old wives tales are often old and they go around and around generation after generation…..because they work! There are over the counter drugs and of course 1st aid supplies that you should always have stocked. But there are treatments and cures right in your own pantry Things like hiccups are so annoying but …
DIY Uber Match
DIY Uber Match These DIY matches rock…The are indeed the uber of matches. This project is really easy and really cheap. Stop spending 5 or 6 bucks on store fire starters when you can make these bad boys for a 1/3 of the cost. The Uber Match is simple to make, highly water and wind …
Air Cleaning Houseplants
Air Cleaning Houseplants Why invest in expensive electrical air purifiers that require power, filters and costs that add up over time? Same with the pop up, plug in, new smell air fresheners that really just perfume the air does not clean it! Instead go natural. Mother nature has her own ways of freshening the air in …
1st Aid uses for Egg Membrane
1st Aid uses for Egg Membrane Even if you do not eat eggs, I suggest buying a dozen and preserving them with mineral oil because this article will blow you away! For something that is normally thrown out as rubbish, the membrane lining in an egg shell has some surprising 1st aid uses. I know, who …