Survive a Bear Attack

Survive a Bear Attack

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Survive a Bear Attack Whether camping, hunting, hiking, making your way home on foot, or bugging out one of the possible issues in some areas can be wild animals. One of the biggest and deadliest predators to man can be bears. They are carnivores and easily upset especially in the …

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Stove Necklace

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Stove Necklace I saw this and I had to share it with you folks! This is awesome… There is no instructions how to make one but It looks like you could make this little stove pretty easily. A little soldering and boom, your very own personal, portable cooking vessel worn around …

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Inexpensive Composting Toilet

Inexpensive Composting Toilet Human waste isn’t traditionally something we like to talk about or even think about but the attached video makes a lot of practical green living sense. There are several very nice bathroom composting systems on the market. But for the most part the prices currently are daunting and often the set up …

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5 Water Storage Tips You Should Know

5 Water Storage Tips You Should Know Second only to surviving the event and finding shelter is the need for safe water for you and your family. Water purification is deadly important. After you have found or created safe water, storage becomes a whole new priority! Having the water you put the effort into insuring was …

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Primitive Stick Fish Traps

Primitive Stick Fish Traps This primitive old Native American method of trapping fish is best used in flowing water and funnels the fish into a smaller area where hopefully they become trapped. Once in the fish traps they are easier for you to pull out of the water. Especially effective if you need more volume than you …

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Prepping for a Chemical Emergency

Prepping for a Chemical Emergency Appropriately stored and safely used chemicals play a large part in producing products we use everyday for cleaning to medications. Unfortunately if mishandled accidents can happen and those same chemicals can become poisonous and be harmful. Depending upon the chemical involved and the amount spilled or mishandled the danger can be quite serious …

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DIY Root Cellar and Storm Shelter

DIY Root Cellar and Storm Shelter Having a root cellar on the property is an awesome advantage for storing the years harvest or your preps. That it doubles as a storm shelter is just awesome! This is a really nifty design that is doable by just about everyone and can be done with lots of …

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Earthquake Proof your Pantry

Earthquake Proof your Pantry So you have stored enough food and supplies to get you through just about any emergency situation. Now the emergency hits, a hurricane, a tornado, an eruption, or an earthquake and all you’ve stored is now broken, smashed, and or contaminated. After making sure you were prepared you find yourself just like …

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How to Cope with Civil Unrest in a Crisis

How to Cope with Civil Unrest in a Crisis The first three days after a crisis is relativity calm and it can be called a grace period where people help others to cope and provide a hand up to the less fortunate. Rules are followed and pilfering supplies or looting a grocery store is far …

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Life After a Disaster

shtf plan

Life After a Disaster  Lessons from a Hurricane and a Tornado This particular article was written in 2013 however, the lessons learned from the experiences are valid today and year after year as tornado and hurricane seasons reoccur year to year. There is no better teacher than the past and no one better to teach it …

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