Foraging Safely -Common Non-Edible Plants Many of us are learning about foraging and edible plants as we become a more health conscious and prepared society. But we must remember to choose the plants we decide to eat with care as the wrong one can make you extremely ill. It is an old tale that …
Free Solar Water Heating Designs
Free Solar Water Heating Designs In today’s economy anything that reduces your power bill is a plus. Being able to take a hot shower after a SHTF grid down situation will be priceless. Some of the designs presented in the featured article are historically the oldest types of solar water heating. Often going off the …
Top Guard Dogs
Top Guard Dogs Even small dogs can be very protective (the one pictured is a peekapom, not very big but furiously protective) . Your loving pet can be an asset to protecting you, your family, your home, and your preps. Most often love of their human master is all the training they need to bark and attack when they feel …
The Busy Person’s Guide to Food Preservation
The Busy Person’s Guide to Food Preservation You may work full time, you might have children to care for and they have a schedule of their own, you have hobbies, and a home to care for too, etc.. You have a life! So who has time to preserve food when you can buy it at will at …
Aquaponics: Co-Mingling Fish & Garden
Aquaponics: Co-Mingling Fish & Garden Aquaponics is a subject relatively new to me, but it definitely has piqued my interest. A mini eco system co-mingling fish and garden. However, most of the systems I have seen are huge and well beyond my ability to build, purchase, or maintain. Until this one! This article gives …
MIY Pot Roast in a Jar
MIY Pot Roast in a Jar, Canning Roasted Beef Another way to preserve meat! I love jerky and smoked meats but sometimes we just want good old fashion roasted beef! A great way to stock up when on sale, or after hunting, and still leave some room in your freezer or for a time when …
Teaching Kids Preparedness
Teaching Kids Preparedness Preparing ourselves and our families is a must do for everyone. Those that feel that they are always safe and it only happens to ‘other’ people are doing themselves a true dis-service. Mother nature knows no borders, no economic limitations, and doesn’t discriminate. Just because it didn’t happen to you this …
Cheap Effective Tips To Keep Your Home Safe
Cheap Effective Tips To Keep Your Home Safe Even if you can’t purchase an expensive home alarm system you can still keep out those that would burglarize your home! It doesn’t even require an ugly scary barbed wire fence! Sometimes just being practical and using some easy inexpensive little tricks can keep the undesired …
Instances of SHTF Moments
Instances of SHTF Moments There are a lot of people out there who poke fun at those of us who prepare for the worst case scenario. Although Some preppers can take it to the point of being obsessive or compulsive. Generally the majority of preppers prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. They still continue living their lives …