Top SHTF Barter Items If the economy should collapse items and skills will immediately take the place of cash and credit. Trade will continue. No one has everything they could possibly ever need nor the skills and materials to make them themselves. Preplanning to barter in some cases (with inflation as it is today) could have a better return rate even if …
MIY Super Easy Survival Bread
MIY Super Easy Survival Bread This bread recipe is just plain awesome, probably the easiest bread you could ever make. It’s that simple you can even throw it on the hot coals to bake if you don’t mind crunchy bits in the bread!. It’s called super easy survival bread because it can be made without …
Bugging In – Got a Plan?
Bugging In – Got a Plan? Not everyone plans to bug out! Many plan on bugging in. Some are physically unable, some have no where in particular to go and some will stay and defend their homes. I believe that unless it is something I can out run… I am better off here where …
Use Your Debit Card Safely
Use Your Debit Card Safely Part of being prepared is to protect your resources, this includes your financial resources. The more a technology becomes mainstream the more hackers and thieves concentrate on figuring out how to use it to get into your pocket. Your debit card is not always the safest method of payment. Always …
Convert a Lawn Mower into a Generator
Convert a Lawn Mower into a Generator (Parts 1 & 2) This easy DIY lawnmower to a generator is easy and could power your home in an emergency I saw this and had to share this awesome idea. If we find ourselves in a SHTF/survival situation and the grid goes down we could make this relatively …
Bugging Out with Pets
Bugging Out with Pets For most of us who are animal lovers and have pets, they are members of the family. I wouldn’t even want to consider leaving them behind. So I have prepared for them right along with all the other members of the group! I actually doubt my cat would be as complacent …
3 Types of Bags to Consider- infograph
3 Types of Bags to Consider- infograph There are a number of different terms to describe BOBs (bug out bags) and that is because they are intended for different types of emergency scenarios. One is considered an EDC (everyday carry) These items are usually small enough and basic enough to carry in your pockets …
Plants That Repel Mosquitoes
Plants That Repel Mosquitoes Nothing is more irritating that sitting on your deck early in the morning with your coffee or in the evening with a relaxing cocktail and you’ve got buzzing around your ears and itchy bites welting up on every bit of exposed skin… mosquitoes! They aren’t only bothersome but can carry some …
MIY Cheese from Powdered Milk
MIY Cheese from Powdered Milk I have tons of powdered milk stored. I used it all the time in baking and cooking, but I am not real fond of the taste of reconstituted commercial powdered milk for drinking. So, I can’t wait to try making this cheese from powdered milk! Especially as cheese is one of …
DIY Bucket Air Cooler for Camping or a Single Room
DIY Bucket Air Cooler for Camping or a Single Room Trying to sleep in an over heated room or tent is very uncomfortable. But no one wants to reduce their home or camp site security so much as to leave a tent flap or window wide open either. So how do you inexpensively cool down a small …