21 Ways to Recycle a Yoga Mat Homesteaders, preppers, and those on a budget all advocate recycling, reusing and renewing! If everyone were to recycle, reuse, and renew we can together leave more resources for future generations! Yoga mats are fantastic to upcycle. I discovered after purchasing a mat and the wonderfully comfortable outfit, that yoga was …
DIY Box Rabbit Trap
DIY Box Rabbit Trap During our countries past we have seen some very lean times as a nation. Why slogans like a chicken in every pot became so popular. Trapping became a way of life for many families. Whether you are homesteading or off the grid or just need to file the information under good …
Ultimate Off-Road RV
Ultimate Off-Road RV Wow what a vehicle this one is! It seems it does just about everything but drive itself. Some of the features include a firewood box, a shower, and the camp seating built into the running boards and storage bins all around the truck’s perimeter. The ATVs on the roof are a definite …
Ten Free Preps
Ten Free Preps Often when we think of prepping the first things that come to mind also come with a hefty price tag. Storage foods and specialized gear are just a couple. However, a true prepper knows that the most important of all preparations is knowledge and creativity which are the lightest and mostly likely …
Surviving Summer Nights Without A/C
Surviving Summer Nights Without A/C The administrator of SHTF and Prepping Central and I were chatting just today about the misery of the combination of heat and humidity in our respective home states. Nothing ruins a good day like a bad night’s sleep! The next day tends to be even more miserable as you …
Turning Your Vehicle Into A Portable Generator
Turning Your Vehicle Into A Portable Generator Sometimes you just need more power! You could find yourself in a remote location and where is the generator? Why it’s back in the garage at home of course!. You can make your vehicle into a portable generator at a reasonable price and then have power from your …
Things a Burglar Won’t Tell You
Things a Burglar Won’t Tell You Should you invest in a security alarm? Would having a wired alarm actually make your family and home safer? What about a dog? or a gun? These aren’t always the tools a burglar looks for when choosing your home as his target. Reader’s Digest gives us a look at …
Several Methods for Tanning Hides
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Several Methods for Tanning Hides Knowing how to tan hides is a very important skill to know, if SHTF, there will be no new jackets, no new blankets being made or imported in. It will be up to us to stay warm; this is one of the best ways to …
Foods You Can Regrow From Scraps!
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Foods You Can Regrow From Scraps! I find this idea to be the true meaning of waste not want not! I always have something growing on my kitchen windowsill awaiting planting. I find this process much easier than the actual planting of a seed. I really like the concept …
Bugging In? Tips to Fortify Your Home
Bugging In? Tips to Fortify Your Home In an emergency situation or just part of everyday normal life we all want our homes to be our castles and as safe as possible for ourselves and our families. Our home should always be our safe haven from the rest of the world. In a SHTF scenario …