Run Your Dryer For Free!

Run Your Dryer For Free!

Run Your Dryer For Free! Many HOAs and other community regulations don’t allow clothes lines and require you to use a dryer year round. With the annual hikes in energy costs any hacks or legal tricks that can save us on those billings is a good thing! That makes running your dryer for free during …

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Dehydrating Veggies 101

Dehydrating Veggies 101 Dehydrating veggies is a little easier than canning them because after the prepping process you can lay them out on the trays and leave them unattended whereas with canning you need to be present throughout the entire project. I also prefer drying to canning personally because I can store it in airtight …

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Prepping Is Not Once ‘N Done

Prepping Is Not Once ‘N Done

Prepping Is Not Once ‘N Done  This article by Preparing for SHTF speaks to the need for a flow with your prepping. It is not a once and done proposition. Not just in food storage with the FIFO inventory method (first in first out), but with all the facets of being prepared. The saying in the …

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MIY Rope from Plastic Bags

MIY Rope from Plastic Bags

MIY Rope from Plastic Bags The world all ready has landfills full of disposed of plastic bags! I do recycle them as much as I can, but this is one use I had never thought of until seeing this video. I am relieved to see a good survival use for plastic bags because I always have a …

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DIY No Dig Garden

Some posts may contain affiliate links DIY No Dig Garden  If you have poor soil or very hard clay soil, the no dig garden is for you. If this is your first year growing vegetables this is also a great option to save you time and effort in digging it out. You can build this no …

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The 4 Rules of Property Protection

The 4 Rules of Property Protection

The 4 Rules of Property Protection While everyone’s location, property and emergency plans are different… they all have one thing in common, once there, we will need to protect ourselves and whatever preps we either have stored there, managed to get there or have managed to scavenge. The article featured here from The Tin Hat …

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Poor Man’s Guide To Survival Gear

Poor Man’s Guide To Survival Gear

Poor Man’s Guide To Survival Gear Economic hard times have hit the majority of the population in the majority of the world. How do we prepare for tomorrow while still having a life today? I am already compromising on what I purchase! But I think in some ways that might be the best preparations I …

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Propagation of Fruit Bearing Trees by Air-Layering

Propagation of Fruit Bearing Trees by Air-Layering Most of us want to plant and grow fruit trees at our home garden or in an orchard for their tasty fruits. There are many ways a fruit tree can be propagated – from seeds, from a nursery-bought seedling or by means of Air-layering. The problem with growing fruit trees …

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DIY Solar Cooking Jar

DIY Solar Cooking Jar If you are a lone wolf or have a limited budget and a solar oven is to expensive or to bulky for a bug out, then I have a simple small solution that’s easy to make and easy to carry.  The solar cooking jar cooks well and cooks a meal for 1 quick! Read …

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Modifying a LED Flashlight to Run 3.6 Times Longer

Modifying a LED Flashlight to Run 3.6 Times Longer A long lasting flashlight is a must have. They cost a pretty penny though, unless you can take an inexpensive one and modify it yourself. You might need a bit of soldering skills to complete this task but well worth the effort and if you don’t have the …

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