110 of the Best DIY Hacks Ever

110 of the Best DIY Hacks Ever

110 of the  Best DIY Hacks Ever If you’re a homesteader, an avid carpenter or just have the impulse to tinker, to putter, to do it yourself instead of buying it or paying someone to do it for you—Richards and Dullam share that mindset with millions of do-it-yourselfers. Sometimes economic necessity drives this impulse, and …

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How to MIY Pectin

How to MIY Pectin Homemade pectin is usually made from apples or crab apples, both of which have an abundance of pectin.  Making homemade pectin is one of those things you can do to save some money and to learn as a self-reliance skill.  If there was ever a time when the stores are closed …

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T.P. Plan B

T.P. Plan B

T.P. Plan B Most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about toilet paper. It is just one of those things you throw into the grocery cart and it’s there in your bathroom cupboard when you need to refill the roll. UNTIL the T.P. isn’t  there! Then it becomes a bigger deal than being out of just …

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Bugging in When the Grid is Down

Bugging in When the Grid is Down

Bugging in When the Grid is Down Even if your plan A is to bug out this is valuable information to have. You may need to wait out the immediate effects of the SHTF event that caused the crisis, you could get cut off from your bug out location, or need to wait for an …

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Cuba’s DIY Inventions From 30 Years of Isolation

Cuba's DIY Inventions From 30 Years of Isolation

Cuba‘s DIY Inventions From 30 Years of Isolation The video below is in Spanish with English sub-titles and it gives credence to the saying necessity is the mother of invention! Cuba has been isolated from the technological advances of the rest of the world. So Cuban’s have had to make due with the resources available to …

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Life Without Toilet Paper

Life Without Toilet Paper One unpleasant but necessary discussion among preppers and anyone factually preparing for any kind of emergency is that you may not have enough personal hygiene products stored for the short term crisis and in a long term scenario that eventually the total supply will be cut off. Below is an article …

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7 DIY/MIY Badass Weapons

7 DIY/MIY Badass Weapons First and foremost never use any of these ideas during “normal” times, they are intended for a long term SHTF and “there are no authorities” situations. If you pre-make them, box them up and put them away in a locked area… but know that pre-made in a bad situation could = …

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Faraday Cage Cloak

Faraday Cage Cloak Storing phones in odd places has become a favorite practice of those afraid of spies infiltrating their devices. National Security Agency whistle blower Edward Snowden famously asked visitors in Hong Kong to stash their phones in the refrigerator.  And it’s not an unfounded fear: it is theoretically possible for even a phone that …

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Preparing Squirrel for Cooking

Cleaning & Preparing Squirrel for Cooking

Preparing Squirrel for Cooking Squirrel is available in almost every part of North America and is currently a regular protein source for many of the population. However, if you have never prepared a squirrel after a disastrous event that disrupts the food supply it could become more common than ever before. Knowing how to properly …

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Questionable Auto Apps-1 Scans Plates & Texts Driver Another is Autonomous

Questionable Auto Apps 1 Scans Plates & Texts Driver Another is Autonomous I am truly amazed all the time with new technology. It is mind boggling the advances that science has developed over the last century. I remember a time before microwaves and when family members were the dishwasher! But sometimes I want to just …

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